..& had no "oil" in their lamps to "see" in the darkness.
The Flood Is Here.
Thank you for taking the time to visit this site. Our main focus is:
1) To help people make the right decision.
2) To warn others of impending danger.
3) To encourage others to get out of "corporation" Christianity,
4) To bring into the open the lies of the rapture cult and all apostate “churchianity”,
5) To “come out of her” as we are so aptly enjoined in Rev 18:4,
6) To realize who we are in Christ as “Spiritual Israel”,
7) To study and show ourselves approved.
As you can see, this is a daunting task given all the so-called Christian Churches who have (in some cases) hundreds of years of layered, caked-on, and fully leavened apostasy. No wonder John “wondered greatly” (read astonished) at what the woman who rides the beast had become. It’s no wonder non believers look at all the prosperity preachers, T.V. evangelists, and multi-“abominational” state sanctioned brick and mortar churches who are in league with the beast of Rev 17. They forget about where the Word says that each believer is “the temple” of the Living God and “where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am also”.
They make no mention to get out in the desert with the Lord Jesus Christ and to forsake ALL friendship with the “world system” which is enmity with God while fearing that their “donations” will go down if they do so. This requires disassociation with all corporate churches thus negating their hegemony (control).
The flood is here just like Jesus said “as in the days of Noah” and it will sweep all unrighteousness away like the dried out firewood chaff that they have become.
When Paul and the apostles preached, it was a sure fact they didn’t have a state-run church license to spread the gospel. What they did have was the Holy Spirit living in their Hearts.
They didn’t get raptured either but died at the hands of their captors (including Paul). And they did this for a more excellent resurrection.
It is heart breaking to see that there are multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision knowing that the beast will eventually “hate the whore” who rides it.
Or, like the virgins who didn’t have the oil in their lamps waiting for the bridegroom to return in the middle of the night and they waited too long to prepare.
Or, like Samson who was blinded by his love to a foreign woman (symbolic metaphor language) literally gave up his sight and strength to go into bondage only to much later realize his true spiritual heritage(and regaining his true spiritual sight) fought back by placing himself between the two “main pillars” in the structure (i.e. the symbiotic relationship between the two beast system found in Rev 13).
Or, like Solomon who started out with the excellent wisdom of the Lord only much later to succumb to the corrupted religious attributes of his many (“religiously foreign”) wives.
No wonder John “wondered greatly” at what the church had become and later recognized “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen”. No wonder the Lord Jesus Christ said “for those who “have eyes to see and ears to hear” he was NOT talking about wearing glasses or hearing aids but the ability to understand, perceive, and assimilate the truth that is found in the un-leavened Word.
It’s not by chance you’ve read this far. Know this – that the world will hate you just like the Lord said… But know this also – the Lord said His kingdom is not of this world. All we are doing is passing through and now is the time to stand up and be counted!
Now, today is your opportunity to do this, to:
Come out of her.
Realize who you are as “Born again spiritual Israel” in Jesus Christ. Study to show yourself approved and warn others.
The choice is yours.